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- Master degree program
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- Physics and Astronomy
Physics and Astronomy
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
ON1. know and understand the basic concepts, provisions, theories, methods of implementation of specific scientific tasks, how to organize experimental and theoretical studies, and how to reproduce and explain the results obtained in the study of astrophysical phenomena;
ON2. describe the specifics of the main problems of philosophy and history of science, the application technologies of pedagogical, psychological techniques in the teaching of astronomy, features of modern methods of analysis, and principles of observation techniques in the study of astrophysical phenomena;
ON3. explain the self-consciousness of science in social philosophical perspectives, the specifics of the methods of psychological research of an individual and a group of people, use of modern methods of analysis and information technologies in observations in the study of astrophysical phenomena;
ON4. apply professional and practical skills in scientific and pedagogical activities, use modern information technology, methods of dynamic chaos and observation techniques in the study of astrophysical phenomena;
ON5. program and simulate processes occurring in astrophysical phenomena, as well as research techniques, to describe them in scientific articles, abstracts and reports;
ON6. classify the methods of scientific and philosophical knowledge of the world, quantitatively astrophysical objects based on the methods of dynamic chaos, calculate the physical parameters of astrophysical objects,
ON7. analyze priorities of educational and research activities to develop solutions and participate in their implementation, manifestation of personal interests with the needs of production and society;
ON8. compare different methods, observational techniques in scientific and pedagogical activity of astrophysics;
ON9. formulate conclusions on the results of work with modern means of observation equipment, applied software and research methods;
ON10. summarize results of studies of processes taking place in astrophysical phenomena;
ON11. compare and justify the choice of applying various methods of processing and analysis of astrophysical phenomena;
ON11. formulate problems, goals, objectives in research and application; independently solve them, draw conclusions on the results of the work done and justify them, work with foreign scientific and technical literature, participate in international cooperation in the field of professional activity; be able to work in a team.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years