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- Customs Affairs
Customs Affairs
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Legal Sciences
Upon completion of this program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to:
LO-1. Conduct a scientific analysis of the content and problems of application of the incorporation of international standards, legislation of the EAEU and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Analyze the provision of national interests of Kazakhstan in the development of uniform documents, represent the customs service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, draw up documents in the field of customs, professionally navigate the EAEU document flow, resolve legal situations related to national and international customs and related legislation. To carry out research activities in the field of national and international customs law.
LO-2. Form the state customs policy by managing the departments of the customs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, monitor the implementation of the customs legislation by the structural units of the State Revenue Committee, manage the authorized economic operators, monitor the persons carrying out activities in the field of customs and participants in foreign trade activities, carry out research and development activities in the field of customs management nitsami the Republic of Kazakhstan.
LO-3. Carry out a scientific analysis of the effectiveness of customs administration, analyze the effectiveness of state control measures, coercion, incentives, etc. in the customs field, justify the need for changes in procedures or the introduction of new customs administration measures, initiate them before the authorized state bodies, carry out legal support for changes and additions in existing legislation, justify and develop draft regulatory legal Ktov in the field of customs law and customs administration.
LO-4. Classify criminal law and criminological situations, develop proposals and recommendations for improving crime prevention measures, carry out comprehensive analysis of the problems of using administrative coercion as a form of preventing customs offenses, as well as bringing to administrative responsibility for violation of customs legislation, carry out scientific research in the field of legal liability for customs violations.
LO-5. Understand the commodity nomenclature and procedures for customs clearance of foreign economic activity, analyze and interpret the methodology of the country of origin of goods, critically interpret the system of cargo clearance, calculation of customs payments and duties, monitor customs rules and legislation in these matters, and develop and submit proposals for improving state and international standards and other norms in this field.
LO-6. Carry out a scientific analysis of the international competitiveness of countries, the place and role of Kazakhstan in the world economy, distinguish and classify countries in the world economy, develop ways to improve the protection of Kazakhstan’s national interests in foreign trade, develop ways of developing foreign trade, customs, monetary and financial activities, reflect their recommendations in draft regulations and drafts of program documents.
LO-7. Assess the impact on the development of the national economy of Kazakhstan processes occurring in the field of international trade, understand and defend the national economic interests of Kazakhstan, evaluate the costs and benefits of participation of Kazakhstan and its business entities in international economic and trade organizations, understand the goals and objectives of creating the EEU Customs Union, identify problems in the work of modern technology of formation of customs and trade policy in the WTO and the mechanisms for its implementation, to apply and explain the Row dispute resolution EAEC Customs Union and WTO, to represent the interests of subjects in international courts, to carry out scientific research in the sphere of foreign economic activity;
LO-8. Assess the effectiveness of the civil service system in customs authorities, offer recommendations and suggestions for its improvement, evaluate the system of interaction between the customs services of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EAEU member countries, identify problems of personnel policy in customs authorities and offer recommendations for their elimination, to carry out scientific research in the field of customs violations of the civil service system in customs.
LO-9. Identify problems in the work of information systems and information technologies in customs, analyze the effectiveness of their use, offer and implement legal and other support to improve the work of information and analytical systems, analyze the need and ability to exchange information, taking into account national interests with other countries, examine compliance with requirements information exchange, have the skills of electronic court work.
LO-10. Investigate systems for collecting, analyzing, systematizing and summarizing information in the field of customs, preparing references and analytical reviews on professional activities, text referencing, document management in the field of customs, using customs information technologies in professional activities, and conducting research on customs documentation and document management;
LO-11. Analyze international customs legal relations, know and freely navigate the system of organization of customs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Customs Union of the EAEU and the World Customs Organization, conduct and ensure their interaction, negotiate activities on foreign economic activity, comply with the procedure and conditions for concluding and executing contracts.
LО-12. Analyze the level and quality of customs services rendered, explore the customs services market in Kazakhstan and the EAEU member countries, explore the theoretical and methodological aspects of assessing the quality of customs services, explore the motivational mechanism to ensure the quality of labor, systematize customs services, the relationship of enterprises engaged in customs activities with customs authorities and participants of foreign economic activity, to carry out research and development activities in the field of legal and organizational and economic improvements in improving the quality of customs services.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years