Сivil Law
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Legal Sciences
Mastering the program will allow you to acquire the ability:
1 to explain, analyze, evaluate, present classical and contemporary studies and problems of the theory of civil law, including in the context of interaction with other institutions of private law, national legal systems of different states;
2 to design and conduct research, to independently apply the research methodology with the interpretation of modern scientific theories, knowledge;
3 to critically evaluate and use modern scientific and legal knowledge and independently organize, plan, conduct scientific research in the context of the problems of the theory and practice of civil law using modern means of IT;
4 to analyze individual institutions of civil law, to identify their similarities and differences using the latest methods, technologies of scientific research, in accordance with the principles of comparative law;
5 to systematically present scientific concepts, understanding of the problems of property rights and other related rights, performance and enforcement of obligations, intellectual property rights, family-housing problems, in the sphere of labor relations with integration into the practice of legal analysis of judicial practice;
6 to integrate and use the knowledge of scientific theory, schools in research practice in professional and educational activities in writing a master's thesis;
7 to study legal validity with the help of scientific methodology and find patterns in the development of legal practice in civil law and in the areas of legal regulation of entrepreneurship, including legal entities, corporate relations, fair competition in the context of expanding economic boundaries within the research context and practical application activities in the field of education and law;
8 to apply the norms of civil law and legislation, civil procedure legislation in cases of gaps, norms of conflicts, complex interactions, taking into account the possible consequences;
9 to systematically plan, organize and practically implement activities on specific types of studies, on writing scientific papers, master's thesis at university;
10 to generate the received scientific knowledge in own scientific research and to find technological solutions of a scientific and practical problem in new and unfamiliar contexts, to evaluate and interpret the results obtained;
11 to apply the technology of preparation and execution of scientific works, the development of drafts of own decisions of legal incidents and other written documents of legal content, normative and individual legal acts;
12 to formulate goals, tasks, problems, methodology, stages of independent scientific research of problems of legal science and law enforcement practice, to argue the results and solutions in the master's thesis, scientific articles, public speaking.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years