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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- International Relations
International Relations
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
ON1 To use the theoretical and methodological principles of the history of science and philosophy, psychology, pedagogy and professional foreign language for educational and professional purposes.
ON2 To interpret the latest theories and concepts on the state and trends of global and local processes and contemporary developments in world politics, using international research methods and methodology in line with cutting edge science and practice.
ON3 To differentiate integrative, innovative processes in the modern IR system using applied analysis, theoretical-methodological synthesis, game theory methods, scenario-analytical forecasting of international situations in professional expert-analytical activity
ON4 To apply the acquired knowledge of scientific theories, schools and trends to research and teaching practice, systematic analysis and evaluation of the situation in different areas of world politics, mega-trends, the role of globalisation, the activities of major world actors
ON5 To argumentate the economic and social risks of political decision-making, taking into account the main sustainable development trends, characteristics and perspectives of the world's leading actors in a transforming global structure within the framework of professional activities
ON6 To introduce relevant research tasks on global and regional security issues, taking into account the new dimensions of security
ON7 On the basis of theoretical and methodological principles of the mechanism of functioning of regional subsystems of international relations in the XXI century, to systematize key aspects of the formation of regional and subregional organizations and an in-depth view of the main stages in the development of the process of merging states in regional and subregional and other interstate systems
ON8 To analyse the main directions of development and comparison of global trends in sustainable development and international patterns of solutions to environmental problems and conflicts based on scientific approaches of critical analysis in the activities of integration structures
ON9 To analyse the relationship between national, regional and global security issues, using strategic analysis of new security dimensions to identify sources of security threats at different levels
ON10 Based on knowledge of the key aspects of solving the problems of developing water diplomacy between the states of Central Asia, predict an alternative field of international interaction when solving practical problems of professional activity in state and non-state structures.
ON11 To apply the concepts and theories being studied in the analysis of current events in world politics for the purpose of applied analysis of issues of sustainable development, energy security, management of international transport and economic corridors within the framework of research activities and public service
ON12 To predict the development paths of regional integration, sociocultural processes and political motives for the creation, management and control of transport corridors, and the logistics potential of Kazakhstan, within the framework of expert and analytical work for conducting research and design activities
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years