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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Space Engineering and Technologies
Space Engineering and Technologies
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Engineering Sciences
1.ON1 interpret and summarize in-depth knowledge of current issues, development trends, and current areas reflecting the current state of space engineering and technologies, as well as being guided in defining the interdisciplinarity of tasks;
2.ON2 design satellite communications systems using GEO or LEO satellites to transmit voice, video or data signals using analog or digital modulation;
3. ON3 apply space technologies to observe the surface of the Earth to solve important problems of the economy, including problems of agriculture, ecology, defense, monitoring of emergency situations;
4. ON4 develop engineering software, including analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation;
5. ON5 understand the structure of robotic space systems and design robotic systems used to solve specific problems in the field of space engineering and technologies;
6. ON6 carry out calculations with the definition of the main parameters of the spacecraft onboard systems, as well as their analysis, using computer modeling methods and CAD tools;
7. ON7 apply in practical and professional activities methods of monitoring research and management of natural environments to address the rational use and protection of natural resources;
8. ON8 to determine the stages and principles of designing and testing space systems and subsystems using systems analysis methods, parameter estimation methods and optimization methods;
9. ON9 to critically evaluate ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and apply sound decisions that should take into account the influence of engineering decisions in global, economic, environmental and social contexts;
10. ON10 analyze and manage the processes of the organization of education, aimed at improving the structure, quality, reputation based on modern management approaches;
11. ON11 critically evaluate life and professional situations from the point of view of management psychology; effectively use knowledge of management psychology for the development of their potential and team;
12. ON12 identify methods and techniques that are applicable to their own scientific research and modern scientific research, communicate their findings and knowledge used for their formulation, as well as the justification to specialists and non-specialists.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years