- Profile direction - Master of Business and Management
ON1 To carry out information and analytical work on the basis of modern digital technologies in the financial sphere, using the knowledge of a foreign language in professional activity
ON2 Manage financial and economic departments in enterprises, organizations, companies, banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions; control the activities of financial and economic units of these organizations
ON3 Apply the skills of public, business and scientific communications (presentations and negotiations) to solve communication problems; create a team of professionals, work effectively in teams, show creativity and initiative; persuade and find compromise and alternative solutions
ON4 Use the norms of legislation in the field of finance, banking system, insurance organizations, securities market, financial management. Apply and use the acquired economic knowledge in financial, monetary, financial, insurance and credit institutions
ON5 Develop financial plans, business plans, investment and innovative projects for the creation and development of new organizations, enterprises, startup, as well as new financial products; to evaluate the financial and social conditions of doing business in terms of financial efficiency, taking into account the analysis of financial risks of enterprises and financial institutions
ON6 Take a creative approach and initiative in assessing the financial environment for the globalization and internationalization of financial processes
ON7 Apply extensive research using advanced information technology and apply its results to develop strategic financial plans
ON8 Model financial and investment projects to predict financial processes and phenomena, practical situations based on the study of the best domestic and foreign cases; interpret sustainable financial concepts and models to solve complex financial situations and problems
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years