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- Master degree program
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- International Relations
International Relations
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
Graduates of this program would result in being able to:
ON1 Critically interpret and evaluate the latest theories and concepts about the state and trends of global and local processes and current events in world politics; integrate methods and methodology of international research in accordance with the advanced science trends and practical needs
ON2 To apply studied concepts and theories at analysis of current events in the World politics; to have skills of applied analysis in issues of sustainable development, cultural interactions and integration processes in frame of research and public service.
ON3 To analyze integrative, innovative processes in the modern system of international relations, to have skills of applied analysis, theoretical and methodological synthesis, Game theory methods, scenario and analytical forecasting of the international situations in professional Expert-Analyst work.
ON4 To carry out expert and analytic work, to prognose evolution of modern regional integration, social-cultural processes; to apply skills in practice of research and project organization, team management.
ON5 To Interpret the correlation of national, regional and global security problems, to identify security threats at different levels based on strategic analysis of new security levels; to distinguish differences of CA countries’ approaches towards regional security problems
ON6 To study main directions of Eurasian integration’s evolutions; to understand work of regional integration structures using approaches of scientific critical analysis; to carry out scenario and prognostic analysis of state-to-state interactions and find solutions to various practical problems
ON7 To integrate knowledge of scientific theories, schools and the directions into research and scientific and pedagogical practice; to carry out systemic analysis at global and regional levels and make an assessment of the situation in different spheres of world politics; mega trends, role of globalization, activities of the main global actors.
ON8 To evaluate Economic and Social risks of political decision making; in frame professional work to consider major trends of sustainable development and features and perspectives of leading world actors’ activities during transformation of global structure
ON9 To generalize problems of regional and global levels in the field of bilateral and multilateral interactions using methods of study economic and political tendencies in CA in frame of teaching and research work
ON10 By knowing key aspects of global structure’s transformation, activity of UN and other International organizations to prognose and model different fields of international interactions, to solve practical problems during professional work for government and non-government structures.
ON11 To work out and formulate relevant research topics on problems of global and regional security considering new security levels and apply appropriate methods of solution, to prognose ways of solving the problems in frames of professional work.
ON12 On the basis of the modern International relations’ theoretic approaches make research results out in forms of articles, analytic reports, Master degree thesis, use the knowledge and critical analysis skills to develop and apply original ideas in context of independent researches.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years