- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Medical Sciences
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
1. Identify, demonstrate developing knowledge and understanding of an interdisciplinary nature, describe and analyze professional information in the field of circulation of medicines and medical devices in organizing the work of various pharmaceutical organizations in the production, control, registration and distribution of goods, and providing pharmaceutical assistance to the population and organizations using information and communication technologies.
2. Analyze and evaluate existing concepts, theories, interpret approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena; introduce new approaches within the framework of their qualifications when consulting patients and doctors on the provision of pharmaceutical care, the rational use of medicines and medical devices, the conditions for their proper storage, the choice of dosage forms, the cost of therapy; demonstrate the ability to professionally solve the main tasks and systematize information on maintaining clinical and pharmaceutical documentation.
3. Apply knowledge on the organization, planning and control of the functioning of subjects in the health care system and the pharmaceutical industry, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents and international good practices of GXP in the field of circulation of medicines and medical devices to provide timely and high-quality pharmaceutical care to the population and medical organizations.
4. Analyze and understand the regulation of the organization, management and sale of medicinal products, the formation and rational use of inventory of pharmaceutical organizations for wholesale and retail sales to the population and organizations using innovative communication tools.
5. Generalize, analyze and differentiate General issues of clinical pharmacology and clinical and pharmacological characteristics of individual groups and drugs, clinical aspects of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; evaluation of drug use, pharmacovigilance issues (GVP), regulation of drug provision in medical institutions in compliance with the principles of rational pharmacotherapy for certain diseases.
6. Analyze and differentiate the regulatory and technical documentation of the process of manufacturing and manufacturing of medicines and medical devices; systematize, summarize research results and select the best methods and technologies for their production in accordance with the requirements of the GMP and GLP good manufacturing practice standard.
7. Identify active and related substances in natural raw materials, quality control of pharmaceutical substances, reference materials, excipients and materials, medicinal plant raw materials, as well as medicines and medical devices at all stages of collection, storage and technological process in accordance with current legislation and good GXP pharmaceutical practices, possession of modern physical, physico-chemical and chemical methods of their analysis.
8. Analyze, systematize and generalize the research goals and the selection of objects of chemical and Toxicological examination in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, form judgments when registering the results of the examination.
9. Demonstrate a commitment to the highest standards of professional responsibility and integrity; and adhere to ethical principles in all professional interactions with patients, families, colleagues, and society at large. Apply knowledge of the principles and methods of forming a healthy lifestyle of a person and family, a set of factors that determine health and disease for the purpose of prevention.
10. Demonstrate communication skills and learning skills, continuously improve professional knowledge and skills, demonstrate the formation of judgments and skills of scientific research, the desire to transfer knowledge to others.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years