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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Biomedicine
- Profile direction - Master of Health Care
ON1 Integrate knowledge of fundamental bases of the functioning of biological systems and advanced technological and methodological principles of their research to solve problems in the field of improving human health.
ON2 Competently perform all routine and a few advanced (within the field of specialization) biomedical research techniques.
ON3 Able to generate ideas based on analysis of scientific data, industry development trends and critical reflection on their prospects in terms of improving human health.
ON4 Able to ensure (within its competence) the compliance of scientific and research practice with international ethical and scientific quality standards at all stages, including design, execution in the form of a grant application, implementation, accounting and reporting and publication of results;
ON5 Perform statistical analysis and data processing using modern analysis tools.
ON6 Critically apply knowledge of the principles and standards of good laboratory practice to maintain their own and supervised team of employees laboratory skills that are key to obtaining accurate, reproducible experimental results, ensuring a safe environment and preventing damage of expensive equipment.
ON7 Critically evaluate their own activities and update knowledge and skills in the changing context of biomedical science and practice.
ON8 Function as a professional and socially responsible citizen, able to act in the interests of a professional team and society.
ON9 Demonstrate professional and personal leadership to improve the quality of professional practice and achieve the best results, including mentorship within their competence
ON10 Able to apply modern concepts and management tools to determine an effective operational strategy in order to achieve the success of the organization and its own professional activities
ON11 Able to effectively exchange information in different contexts of professional and interpersonal communication, appropriately using professional terminology and various communication channels.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years