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- Master degree program
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- Big Data in Geodesy
Big Data in Geodesy
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Engineering Sciences
-demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the current state and trends in the development of scientific knowledge in the field of geodesy, geodynamics and remote sensing and own methods of independent research and interpretation of the results of geodetic modeling in the geoinformation geodesy system.
-own software methods for office processing of topographic and geodetic surveys, construction of objects, land surveying and make their own original contribution to projects of geodetic monitoring works to study deformations of buildings and engineering structures.
-find and apply simulation solutions to the scientific problem of spatial data and algorithms for optimal solutions for processing big data in construction modeling, taking into account the survivability of building structures and analysis of the life cycle of a construction object.
-use the methodology for assessing the accuracy of the results of measurements of lengths, angles, elevations and functions to equalize the values of coordinates, azimuths and line lengths in the field of geodesy, geodynamics, geotechnology and remote sensing.
-apply methods and technology for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys, carry out activities in the field of engineering surveys for construction, geotechnical conditions during the development of oil and gas fields and solid metals.
-to use a differentiated approach in selecting the types of geodetic modeling of the structure and dynamics of different spatial systems (geosystems) and explain the features of geodetic modeling methods using different environmental monitoring and control systems.
-Apply computer modeling methods to justify the safe operation of building facilities and find optimal solutions in construction design, as well as perform calculations of buildings and structures using the finite element method, probabilistic and mathematical modeling.
-apply cloud technologies for big data analytics to solve the scientific problem of the construction industry, taking into account the visualization of graphical data and machine learning in construction.
-apply digital control and design technologies in construction in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation for construction and cloud technologies for big data analytics.
-to consider options for geodetic control in the development of megapolitan areas in built-up areas and to apply different methods of complex and thematic monitoring in geodetic analysis of spatial systems.
-justify the organization of design work, taking into account the mining of big data and machine learning, and carry out options for modeling Business Intelligence when processing big data in geodesy.
-interpret and generalize modern scientific knowledge in the field of big data in geodesy and characterize the concepts of interdisciplinary knowledge in geodetic sciences for the purpose of application in educational and research activities.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years