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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Еthnojournalism
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
ON1 To use empirical and semantic data of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, various languages in the projection of the study of history, theory and concept of ethnojournalism.
ON2 To evaluate ethnic media as a tool for the formation of a harmonious multicultural, integral information society and the process of transformation of the global media system.
ON3 To determine the typology, models and functions of ethnojournalism in the field of interethnic relations, ethnic media data for broadcasting cognitive, projective-behavioral and axiological values.
ON4 Apply the standards and principles of journalistic ethics adopted in the media, ethical, moral and legal aspects of the social responsibility of a journalist covering ethnic and interfaith topics
ON5 To reveal the phenomenon of the genesis of ethnojournalism in the era of digital technologies with a demonstration of its integration into the world community with the help of multiplatform and multi-channel technologies.
ON6 To carry out political dialogue in ethnojournalism, interethnic dialogue through the line of behavior of the media and ethnic stereotyping in the practice of the media.
ON7 To illustrate the modern analysis of political relations between countries in the context of a clash of civilizations with options for assessing the transformation of the information space.
ON8 To investigate the development of the communication elements of ethnicity, the relationship between the mechanisms of public administration and information security in the interethnic sphere through the application of the national information policy of Kazakhstan and taking into account global information integration.
ON9 To distinguish between tolerant and conflicting ethnic information in the media, the growth of speech aggression ("hate speech") in the media and social networks, methods and means of countering them, including the peacemaking potential of the media to improve value-semantic and behavioral models by constantly supporting them through the resources of broadcasting Kazakh media.
ON10 To reveal the essence of national ethnic values of modern Kazakhstan in media resources, blogosphere using innovative communication technologies.
ON11 To find the relationship of communication functions with the processes of formation of the Kazakh model of interethnic harmony, integration of all ethnosocial groups into the Kazakh society.
ON12 To determine the categories of effectiveness of the use of mass media in the prevention and prevention of religious extremism.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years