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- Master degree program
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- Physical electronics and photonics
Physical electronics and photonics
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
ON1. Analyze the level of development of science in the field of physical electronics and nanophotonics, identifying modern scientific problems and ways to solve them;
ON2. Carry out scientific and innovative activities under the supervision of a supervisor and prepare research results, work with design and working documentation, including in a foreign language, apply research results when carrying out teaching activities;
ON3. Explore the properties of nanoscale structures using laser technology components to solve problems in the field of quantum optics and solid-state electronics;
ON4. Systematize the properties of amorphous and non-crystalline bodies, magnetic properties of materials and other structural features based on condensed matter physics in applications of nanosensing, photovoltaics, organic and solid-state electronics.;
ON5. Investigate wave processes and quantum optics phenomena occurring in optical crystals using optoelectronic devices;
ON6. Summarize the functional base of materials for electronics and photonics, analyzing the necessary technologies for their production and determine the limits of applicability of materials in solving scientific and technical problems;
ON7. Model and create blocks of digital integrated circuits and optoelectronic devices to optimize their operation;
ON8. Assess the prospects for the development of areas of spintronics and the physics of magnetic nanostructures for the creation of information devices in electronics and photonics;
ON9. Design and create semiconductor structures while studying their physical and chemical properties based on new models;
ON10. Analyze the physicochemical properties of low-dimensional systems for the creation and integration of nanosensors in the design of complex electronic devices;
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years