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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Film and TV Directing
Film and TV Directing
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Аrts
Upon completion of this program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to:
1.Have practical directing and screenwriting skills, using a variety of means of artistic expression.
2.Possess research skills, including pedagogical competence, professional terminology (including international terminology) and know the history of science and philosophy.
3.Have basic skills of camerawork, using a variety of compositional solutions to convey information to the viewer.
4.Create audiovisual content in the form of movies, TV movies (including documentaries), TV shows and other types of media using all means of artistic expression of cinema.
5.Analyze the creative works (including the storyline of the characters), noting their strengths and weaknesses and artistic solutions of the authors.
6.To be able to analyze the production and post-production features of a multimedia product by applying the tools of the interactive content industry (Internet portals, databases of video, audio content, software products) and improve their editing skills based on new and advanced methods in this field.
7.To explore and describe media phenomena using the language and apparatus of social, humanitarian and film sciences, as well as to apply various methods to analyze various media research and media projects.
8.Analyze and improve the methods of directing, including the development of a unique vision of the director, advanced methods of working with actors and crew, and skills to bring complex stories to life.
9.To improve script writing skills that allow you to create multi-layered plots, elaborate characters, dialogues with subtext and a story with a central idea.
10.Effectively promote film and media projects.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years