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- Bacteriology and virology
Bacteriology and virology
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of natural Sciences
ON 1 Analyze the role of microorganisms in the development of the infectious process and the conditions for the occurrence of the infectious process.
ON 2 Perform identification, isolation and culturing of microorganism producers of biomass, organic acids, ethanol, amino acids, antibiotics.
ON 3 Determine the etiology of infectious diseases, patterns of their occurrence and development and conduct sanitary and hygienic control of environmental objects.
ON 4 Develop principles of prevention and control of infectious diseases using immunobiological and molecular genetic methods of analysis when working with conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms.
ON 5 Carry out biosafety controls when working with microbial agents of different pathogenicity groups.
ON 6 Carry out control to ensure biological safety when working with microbial agents of various pathogenicity groups, using practical skills, techniques, procedures and equipment.
ON 7 Design the interpreted results of microbiological experiments in the form of completed research papers (articles, reports, master's thesis), using foreign literary sources.
ON 8 Apply teaching methods to teaching activities based on advanced educational technologies.
ON 9 Analyze the organization of bacterial genomes and molecular mechanisms of biosynthesis of biologically active metabolites.
ON 10 Conduct basic and applied research in microbiological research laboratories, public health facilities, pharmacological facilities, and institutions of higher education.
ON 11 Solve basic worldview and methodological natural science and social problems in order to analyze complex global phenomena.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years