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The second season of the Kazakhstan Cybersport Student League (KESL) is starting soon!

At the Faculty of Journalism of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, an international scientific and practical online conference "CREATIVITY OF SAPAR BAYZHANOV - A NATIONAL PERSONALITY" was held, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous statesman and public figure, writer and publicist Sapar Bayzhanov.

The first meeting of the International Advisory Council (COMSTECH-SAC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) took place. It was attended by the rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, academician Galym Mutanov – the winner of the prize of Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture, who became the only representative of the academic community of the post-Soviet space.

The Department of Publishing and Design of Al-Farabi KazNU in the new conditions of teaching is actively introducing interactive forms of education. For the first time on the Zoom platform, an online master class was held for future editors, publishers and designers.
The branch of the Department of Fundamental Medicine of Al-Farabi KazNU was created on the basis of LLP "GxP Company" in order to modernize and optimize training in the field of pharmacy.

The results of the republican competition "The best teacher of the university - 2020" have been summed up. The competition was attended by applicants from 73 universities in Kazakhstan. The honorary list of winners included 18 teachers of Al-Farabi KazNU.

At the Faculty of Information Technologies, the traditional annual seminar "School for Young Teachers" was held, at which topical issues of ethics and teaching methods in the context of online learning were discussed.

KazNU is starting to implement a large investment project to create «Al-Farabi» Scientific and Technological Valley (STV), which includes IT, innovative and medical biological clusters.

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The annual winter school of curators-advisers of Al-Farabi KazNU has managed to become a good tradition, which originated 11 years ago. This year, the school was held online and brought together curators-advisors from all departments of 16 faculties of the university.