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At the World Leadership Forum, organized by Columbia University (USA), a speech by the Secretary-General of the UN Antonio Guterres on «The State of the Planet» took place. KAZNU, which leads a Global hub of the UN «Academic impact» program on sustainability, was invited as a partner to participate at the online high-level meeting.

The first massive open online course of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi - Methods of molecular biology was published on January 2, 2021 on the international educational platform Coursera - the world leader in online education.

In the largest state university of Thailand "Chulalongkorn University" in a hybrid (online and offline) format, an international scientific seminar on the topic "Al-Farabi's contribution to the modern world" was held.

A scientific international online conference "Applied Mathematics and Mechanics" was held at the Al-Farabi KazNU, dedicated to the 70th and 45th anniversary of the scientific and pedagogical activity of the famous scientist, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Aydarkhan Zhusupbekovich Kaltaev.

The award has been presented as part of the Contest of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and is held annually to encourage young scientists, who have made a significant contribution to the development of science and technology.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics of Al-Farabi KazNU, Ph.D. R.K. Manatbayev was announced the winner of the competition of the Foundation "Assyltas" -2021 in the nomination "Science".

The opening of the first al-Farabi Center in the "Land of the Rising Sun" was a significant event in the development of cooperation between Japan and Kazakhstan in the framework of the celebration of the 1150-th anniversary of the great thinker al-Farabi. The ceremony was held with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Japan at one of the most prestigious universities - the University of Tsukuba.

The staff of the Department of Physical Education and Sports accepted the "Kayyrymdy Kogam" challenge, launched in honor of the celebration of the great scientist and thinker Abu Nasyr al-Farabi. As the Great Al-Farabi said, “happiness is a goal that is achieved by virtuous deeds,” that is, for the full functioning of society, the following human values are needed such as kindness, decency, honesty and justice.

This year, the 1150th anniversary of the marvellous philosopher Abu Nasr al-Farabi is celebrated around the world. Outstanding Farabi scholars of the post-Soviet space made a huge contribution to the formation of the Patriotic Farabi study. From December 9 to December 12, 2020, the Al-Farabi Center holds a series of we

Department of Business Technologies, Higher School of Economics and Business, al-Farabi KazNU held the 5th International Student Correspondence Olympiad on the topic: «Digital technologies in logistics and marketing» in the specialty «Logistics».