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In honor of the Day of the First President of the RK and Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a patriotic action «Our History» is held at the Military Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

During the “Science Leader - Web of Science Awards-2020” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was awarded three nominations, confirming its leadership among Kazakhstani HEIs and research institutes in the field of publication activity in high-ranking journalsү.
The prospects for cooperation in the field of science, education, and innovation development were discussed during the meeting by the rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Galym Mutanov and Ambassador of Austria to Kazakhstan Willy Kempel.

The ceremony of awarding the winners of the VIII Republican Youth Forum «I Believe in Youth!» dedicated to the Day of the First President of the country was held in Almaty. This year the competition, which aims to develop patriotism through a prism of creation, work and innovations, was held in an online format.

The Kazakh-French Research School of Mathematics is to be established at Al-Farabi KazNU. Rector of the leading Kazakhstani University Galym Mutanov and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Kazakhstan Didier Canesse agreed on this during a bilateral meeting.

Al-Farabi KazNU summed up the results of the competition of young speakers on the theme «Al-Farabi and Modernity», dedicated to the Day of Philosophy and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nassir Al-Farabi. The award ceremony was broadcast live on the official Al-Farabi Centre account @ farabicenter2020.

The scientific and educational center is to be established in Maryland (USA) by the mutual agreement between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation (CECF).
The event was attended by Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Galym Mutanov, Deputy Chairman of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan Bakhyt Bedelkhan, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism Sagatbek Medeubekuly, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Omirkhan Abdimanov, public figures and media representatives.

Al-Farabi KazNU scientists – Habibulla Kussainovich Ospanov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Physical Chemistry and electrochemistry, and Vladimir Jumakadyrovich Junushaliyev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor – were appointed the title of distinguished academicians of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi KazNU at the Teaching Laboratory for Computational Methods in Chemistry the official opening ceremony of the AVEVA Center for Engineering Design of Chemical and Technological Processes, organized jointly with the British company "AVEVA Group plc" took place at 18 November 2020.