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The Department of Publishing, Editing and Design Art of the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi KazNU has conducted the International scientific-practical online conference «Actual issues of printing, publishing and web-technology», dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the scientist-bibliographer, publisher, editor, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor – Konyr Mukatayevna Mukatayeva.

Doszhan Balabek, a teacher and doctoral student of the Department of Philosophy, Al-Farabi KazNU, has won the nomination «Flora and Fauna of Kazakhstan» in the photo contest «My Kazakhstan», organized by the Republican Public Association «Qazaq Geography».

In Almaty on November 23, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., a ceremony of rewarding the winners of the VIII Republican Youth Forum «MEN ZHASTARGA SENEMIN!» dedicated to the Day of the First President of the country will take place. This year the competition, which aims to develop patriotism through the prism of innovation and creativity, was held in online format.

Within the framework of the project of distance media education "Multimedia Journalism School" a webinar "Multimedia Storytelling" is being held, organized by the Faculty of Journalism. The main task of the project is to promote familiarization of students with the modern media space, substantiation in it, as well as to promote their becoming a multimedia personality. Training to work at any level, both as a journalist and as a user. Formation of skills in searching for information in the Internet space, analyzing this information and its application.

The Department of Business Technology of the Higher School of Economics of Al-Farabi KazNU in collaboration with the Advertising Association of Central Asia conducted online training for students of specialties «Marketing» and «Logistics» on the theme «Internet Advertising. Planning and Placement. Video Advertising».

The Hall of the First President – Elbasy N. Nazarbayev - was opened at Al-Farabi KazNU. The event was timed to coincide with the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan, which is celebrated in the country on December 1. The event was attended by the Director of the Library of the First President of RK-Elbasy, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Amerhan Rakhimzhanov, Rector of KazNU academician Galym Mutanov, scientists of the University, representatives of the public and the media.
Al-Farabi KazNU organized an online meeting of students and teachers with representatives of the Republican Information and Educational Center, established under the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan to combat corruption. The meeting, dedicated to discussing the principles of integrity and education of young people in the spirit of intolerance to unfair practices, was broadcast live on Zoom, «Jynalis Room» and YouTube channel «AlFarabiTV».

At the meeting of the Academic Council of Al-Farabi KazNU, a new program for the strategic development of the University until 2025 was widely discussed in the context of its transition to a non-profit joint stock company with 100% state participation in its charter capital. The strategic goal of the program is to transform KazNU into a research university and enter the global ranking of the top 100 HEIs in the world.

For the first time in Kazakhstan, the «Huawei» Academy of Infocommunication Technologies, which operates under the auspices of Al-Farabi KazNU, jointly with «Huawei» ICT Solutions Kazakhstan, is holding a competition aimed at supporting young talents and future leaders of the IT industry.

On the eve of the United Nations Day, Al-Farabi KazNU held a global conference dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, the 75th anniversary of the UN, the 15th anniversary of the UN Alliance of Civilizations and the 10th anniversary of the UN Academic Impact program. The conference was launched with a video address to the world community made by the Secretary General António Guterres on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the UN.