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On May 7-8, 2020 the Central Asian International Conference «Model UN - New Silk Way» will be held for the first time online at al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which leads for the fourth term in a row the Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Programme for Sustainability. The event is supported by the United Nations Information Office in Kazakhstan and the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in Almaty.

The coronavirus pandemic has made a significant difference in our lives. This year, the Republican competition «Men Zhastarga Senemin» has started in online-format. Despite the difficult situation in the country and in the world, we can observe more active student engagement. Young people from all regions of the country expressed their willingness to participate in this event.

According to the meeting Protocol of the Operational Headquarters for ensuring the state of emergency under the akimat (town council) of Almaty No. 6 dated 03.28.2020 in order to protect the life and health of citizens of the Almaty city and prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) for the period of the state of emergency in the city of Almaty from 00:00 hours on March 28, the following additional measures are introduced:

The Military Department of Al-Farabi KazNU has held an Online Conference with an Honored Veteran of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Major General Vladimir Petrovich Bondarenko. The Department’s trainees, commanders of educational platoons and teachers, attended the event.

Al-Farabi KazNU has held an online meeting of the Academic Council to discuss the Statement by the President Kassym-Jomart Tokaev.

The Department of Kazakh Literature and Literature Theory of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages of KazNU in the framework of the project «100 books» holds an online meeting with writers entitled «Writer’s Image». It will be dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the famous writer, honored worker of Kazakhstan, holder of the Order of «Parasat», laureate of the international literary prize «Alash», Adam Mekebayev.

By decision of the United Nations, Al-Farabi KazNU will continue to lead the Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Program on Sustainable Development for the fourth consecutive term. This is evidence of the high international recognition of successful activities of the leading Kazakhstani University, which is making a significant contribution to realization of the goals of sustainable development.

During the quarantine period to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, the distance-learning courses with students have been conducted successfully at the Military Department of Al-Farabi KazNU. Distance learning has intensified the initiative and autonomy of students and teachers.

The Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has joined the global research conducted by the Worlds of Journalism Study Association (WJS).

In social network accounts registered with the abbreviation of KazNU, but not having any relation to Al-Farabi KazNU, there was a request to cancel the upcoming examination session in a remote format. In this regard, the University appealed to law enforcement authorities with a statement on the adoption of measures against persons illegally using the name of KazNU.