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In order to prevent and protect against coronavirus infection (COVID-19), Al-Farabi KazNU has completely transferred to distance learning using advanced digital educational technologies.

Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ коронавирус инфекциясын (COVID-19) алдын алу және ескерту мақсатында тиісті шаралар қабылдауда. Қазіргі уақытта барлық іс-шаралар, ЖОО қызметкерлерінің жақын және алыс шетелдерге іссапарлары, академиялық алмасу, тағылымдама және шетелдік азаматтарды жұмысқа қабылдау және оқуға қабылдау тоқтатылды.

At the Faculty of Journalism, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Days of Khabar Channel within the framework of the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi and the 25th Anniversary of JSC «Khabar» Agency have begun.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has introduced a discipline «Inclusive Education» in all pedagogical specialties of the University. The purpose of the discipline is to build the ability of specialists to apply modern strategies and methods of inclusive education.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an online meeting with South Ural State University (Russia) on the topic «Al-Farabi KazNU Student Service Center «Keremet» as a Model for Implementing Similar Systems in Other Universities».

Master Students of 1-2 courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare, Department of Politics and Organization of Healthcare of Al-Farabi KazNU demonstrated brilliant erudition and great scientific potential on the intellectual game «Science Ring», organized by the teaching staff of the Department.

The Department of Press and Electronic Media organized a three-day journalism course for schoolchildren, which opened up new opportunities for children in a prestigious and respected profession.

In the conference hall named after U.A. Joldasbekov at the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Memorial Day of Academician Dzholdasbekov Umirbek Arislanovich was held.

According to the results of the «QS World University Ranking by Subject 2020» Al-Farabi KazNU has improved its performance and strengthened position.

Al-Farabi KazNU has held a traditional job fair. This year, more than 30 enterprises and organizations, large companies from different regions of the Republic took part in it. The purpose of this event is to promote the employment of University graduates.