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The delegation of the Integral University (India) visited Al-Farabi KazNU. During the meeting, prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of higher education as well as the possibility of joint investment projects have been discussed.

The grand opening of the office named after academician Gairat Sapargaliev took place at the Institute of State and Law of Al-Farabi KazNU.

International Conference «Keeping the Past, Creating the Present, and Shaping the Future», dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science was held at the Al-Farabi scientific library. The event was attended by University leadership, academic staff, faculty's graduates, undergraduate, graduate, doctoral students and young scientists.

On the eve of the First President’s Day and the Day of State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students of the Military Department studying in the specialty «Military Journalism» held a lecture «I am a Patriot of Kazakhstan».

The First Kazaksha Kures wrestling tournament «KazNU's Barys -2019», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the University, was held at the sports complex of KazNU. The organizer of the competition was the student patriotic club «Atameken».

The First brainstorming «Dialogue Platform OIS-15» was held in Almaty, at which representatives of the countries participating in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) discussed issues of scientific and innovative integration, as well as ways to solve problems that impede the development of science, technology and innovation in Muslim countries. The leading University of the country - Al-Farabi KazNU was the co-organizer of the international event.

The International Scientific-Practical Conference «Current State and Prospects for the Development of Religious Studies», dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the specialty «Religious Studies» was held at Al-Farabi KazNU.

The Kazakhstani Physical Society has joined the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS). The authoritative organization includes 18 of the most developed countries in the region, including Japan, China, Korea, India, Australia, etc.

‘Al-Farabi Corner’ opens at the Junaid Zaidi Library, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), following the partnership arrangements, reached in April 3-4, 2018 during the 21st Meeting of COMSATS Coordinating Council between Rector of KazNU Prof. Dr. Galym Mutanov and the Executive Director of The Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) Dr. Syed Muhammed Junaid Zaidi.

The Republican Youth Forum «MEN ZHASTARGA SENEMIN», dedicated to the Day of the First President of the country, was held at Al-Farabi KazNU in Almaty. The results of the large-scale Youth Forum’s contests, which are aimed at developing patriotism through the prism of innovation and creativity, were summed up and the winners were announced at the award ceremony.