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On March 30, 2019 (Saturday), the ninth meeting of the scientific club “Journal Club” took place at the Faculty of Medicine and Health of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, where participants conducted a critical analysis of the scientific publication about the effect of nasogastric probe on swallowing in stroke patients. Acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is the most severe vascular disease, after which swallowing disorders (dysphagia) occur in 25 to 32% of cases.

29.03.2019 on the basis of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University was held XI Rebublican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in group of specialties «5В060400 – Physics», «5В060500 – Nuclear physics», «5В061100 – Physics and Astronomy», «5В071900 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications», «5В071000 – Material science and technology of new materials».

From March 28 to March 29, 2019 at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialties “5В060600 – Chemistry”, “5В072000 – Chemical technology of inorganic substances” and “5В072100 – Chemical technology of organic substances” took place, which is a system of full-time competitions of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During this event an assessment of the knowledge and skills of the participating students was carried out and the winners were determined.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University holds VI International Farabi Readings 2-12 April, 2019.

The XI Republican student Olympiad of knowledge on Oriental Studies, which is the annual event was held at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU named after al-Farabi. The number of participants in the section of Korean studies this year was 27 students from KazNU named after al-Farabi, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov.

The First International Week for Erasmus + administrative staff in Krakow Head of the Department of Mechanics of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Professor Zaure Rakisheva took part in the first Erasmus+ International Staff Week at AGH University of Science and Technology.

The 11th Republic Student Olympiad on the specialty “Oriental Studies” took place at the Oriental Studies faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The XI Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty of political science was held at the department of "Political science and political technologies" of KazNu Al-Farabi. In total, 13 teams from three cities of Kazakhstan took part in the competition.

In 27-29 of March, at the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology was successfully held the annual Republican Olympiad on the history of Kazakhstan and world history. School students of 10-11 grades of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in this Republican Olympiad.

The delegation of Al-Farabi KazNU headed by Rector, Academician Galym Mutanov, took part in the International Forum «Universities, Society and the Future of Humanity», which was held at M.Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, RF). The speech of the Head of the leading Kazakhstani University on the topic«University of New Generation: 4.0 Trajectory» aroused great interest among the Forum participants.