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The Master class of the Visiting Professor of the Department of Health Policy and Organization, Andrei Grzybowski, was held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care within the framework of the Winter School. Its topic was devoted to the multidimensional method of statistical data processing. As the audience noted, the main feature of this master class was the plain language of presentation that made the complex material easy to understand.

February 16, 2019 in the library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the grand opening of the republican seminar "Modern methods of teaching the Arabic language" was held in conjunction with the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University and the unique religious school "Nur-Mubarak" and Kazakh Ablai Khan university of international relations and world languages.

The first-year students of the Japanese Studies Department,of the Far East Department, under the guidance of the curator-adviser, took part in a curatorial hour devoted to the discussion of the article by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”.

At the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, the Physico-Technical Faculty and the Faculty of Information Technologies of our university, for many years the famous club “Patriots Atameken” has been conducting many educational activities. For example, excellent meetings with such people as: Bekbolat Tleukhanov, Mukhtar Shakhanov, Mukhamedzhan Tazabekov, Rinat Zaitov, Serik Kaliev, Aisha Kenesbay, mother of the orphanage Perzent Aisha Hanym, Ardak Nazarov.

On February 11-12, 2019 the kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS + CBHE Project "Developing Services for Individuals with Disabilities [DECIDE]" was held in the library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with participation of partners from countries of the European Union and Central Asia. Project goal of the project is promotion and development of access to inclusive education, social integration and non-discriminatory treatment of those who have special educational needs, in accordance with the criteria of the Bologna process and the UN Convention on Rights of people with disabilities.

Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi KazNU, with the support of the Almaty Cluster Bureau of UNESCO and the UN Information Bureau, held the next International Winter School of Journalism & Communication dedicated to the World Radio Day.

At the V Summer Games of the Republic of Kazakhstan in table tennis in Astana, a third-year student of the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi KazNU, Gaukhar Almagambetova, has won two medals: Silver in team competitions and Bronze in pairs competitions.

Professor of the University of Washington (USA) Marina Tolmachyova transferred valuable books from her personal collection to the KazNU's library.

According to a study of the «Webometrics» International Rating Agency, of January 2019, Al-Farabi KazNU took 2503 place among 28 thousand Universities of the world.
The International Scientific-Practical Conference «Seven Facets of the Great Steppe and Actual Problems of Kazakh Philosophy» took place in the library of Al-Farabi, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy Gulzhaukhan Nurisheva.