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1/15/2019 Towards New Heights
Today is the 85th Anniversary of the country's leading University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The official opening of the first University in Kazakhstan took place on January 15, 1934, when the Order on the Faculty and Student Enrollment was signed.
1/15/2019 Jubilee Flashmob - 85 Years of KazNU
On January 15, more than 7 thousand students and graduates gathered near the Arc de Triomphe of Al-Farabi KazNU and held a flash mob, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the birth of Alma Mater.
1/8/2019 Al-Farabi Center has been launched in Egypt
Within the framework of the implementation of the President’s program «Rukhani Zhangiru» and the article «Seven Facets of the Great Steppe», Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has launched Al-Farabi Scientific and Educational Center at Cairo University, with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
12/28/2018 KazNU Named as the Best University in the Turkic World
According to the results of the outgoing year, the World Congress of Turkic Peoples awarded Al-Farabi KazNU the title of «The Best University of the Turkic World», and honored Rector, Academician Galym Mutanov with a nominal Gold Medal of this International Organization.
12/28/2018 Exchange of Experience is with Japan
KazNU has welcomed Professor of Tokyo University Foreign Languages (Japan) within the Visiting foreign scholars program.
12/26/2018 The Book «Alash Arystary» and Huseyn Javid’s Poems Presented in Baku
The Head of State in his program article «Seven Facets of the Great Steppe» emphasized the need for the spiritual revival of the Turkic peoples. He proposed the Turkic Council to implement the project entitled «100 prominent figures of the Turkic world» in order to preserve the heritage of the bright names of the Turkic peoples and pass it on to future generations.
12/25/2018 KazNU entered top 200 Eco-Friendly Universities in World
According to the study of the global rating «UI Green Metric Ranking of World Universities», Al-Farabi KazNU has strengthened its position in the top 200 most environmentally friendly Universities in the world. Compared to last year, Kazakhstan's University has risen 16 places in this prestigious and authoritative ranking 172 among 700 HEIs from 78 countries.
12/22/2018 Young scientists of the KazNU took part in the meeting with Prime Minister
On December 21 this year, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev met with young scientists of scientific organizations and higher educational institutions.
The presentation of a book from the «Onegeli Omіr» series devoted to the life and work of the Chairman of the Constitutional Council, Doctor of Law, Professor, and a graduate of 1981, the Law Faculty of the Kazakh State University named after Kirov, Kairat Mami, was held in Almaty.
12/20/2018 Within the partner university
Yem Natalia, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the Far East, as a member of the Presidium of the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan took part in Korea – Central Asia Special Forum for Issue of Koryoin: Extensive Issue and Future Aspect and gave a public lecture for students of the Institute of Central Asian Studies in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.