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1st Regional Meeting of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) devoted to development of biosphere reserves will be held in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty City) from 24th to 26th September 2016.
Al-Farabi KazNU aims to become one of the leading universities in the world. Such universities determine development of their countries as well as entire regions and provide personnel to key industries and spheres of leading economies, - said the University Rector Galym Mutanov during a reporting meeting with population.

20. 09.2018 The Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, the Department of History of Kazakhstan organized a memorial evening dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the hero of the Great Patriotic War, defender of the Brest Fortress, historian, veteran, professor KazNU im.al-Farabi Gabbas Zhumatovich Zhumatova. This evening was officially held in DSP Keremet at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The event dedicated to the Day of Languages - "Tarih - tamir, til - tugır" took place in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 21, 2018.

Professors of the Far East Department Ninomiya Takashi and Em Natalya participated in the Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018 on the theme of Driving Sustainable Development, which took place in September 20-22, 2018 at the Tsukuba International Congress Center.

At the Department of Japanese Studies of the Department of the Far East of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, KazNU. Al-Farabi is a great and fruitful work with students. The department celebrates with students first year students.
One of the priority partners of the Far East Department is the organization of an annual Winter Course by the University of WASEDA, Japan (Waseda University https://www.waseda.jp/top/en, a cooperation agreement from 2009) at the KazNU named after al-Farabi. During this period, there were held an annual international internship exchange programs for graduate and undergraduate students of partner universities. In addition, work is underway by the partner universities to compile educational and reference materials on the Japanese language.

Director of the Department of Chinese Language and Bilingualism at the Faculty of Humanities of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, David Lee met with Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University Paltore Y.M. and the Department of Chinese Studies.

The Department of the Far East presented scholarship programs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, which were received by undergraduates, graduates and doctoral students of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

September 7, KazNU al-Farabi, the Kazakh Physical Society represented by President T.A. Kozhamkulov and JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technology" represented by President Omarov Ch.T. sign an agreement on cooperation with the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, represented by Director R. Ruffini. On September 8, R. Ruffini will meet with the Minister of Education and Science, E.K. Sagadiyev, where issues of Kazakhstan's cooperation with the International Center will be discussed.