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An international conference on the problems of global citizenship was held in New York at the Headquarters of the United Nations. The leading Kazakhstani University - Al-Farabi KazNU was the initiator of the event of such a high level that was organized in the UN platform within the framework of the program «Ruhani Zhangiru». The Conference was also organized by the UN Alliance of Civilizations and the Representation of the RK in the UN.

At the Department of TURKSOY Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi General Consul of the Republic of Turkey Riza Kagan Yilmaz held a consular hour on the theme "Friendly relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey".

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will continue its role as the Global Hub of the UN «Academic Impact» Program until 2020. This decision was based on successful leadership of KazNU on sustainable development programs.

May 1 –The Unity Dayof Nations of Kazakhstan. Peace, harmony and unity are essential for the peaceful and prosperous life of the nation and ethnic groups residing on the territory of Kazakhstan. That's why this holiday is important. During this holiday organized different events of Celebration of unity and solidarity with nations living in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The female team of "KazNU Squirrels" became one of the best in the final of the National Basketball Student League!

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - the partner of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.RUDN appointed a special grant of RUDN Top Student Mobility.

On April 26, the 2nd National Student Olympiad "Marketrend" was held at the NARXOZ University where students of the 3rd year of the specialty "Marketing" of the Higher School of Economics and Business of our alma mater became the winners and holders of the II degree diploma.

Nomination Committee of the European University Association (EUA) proposed the Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU for the post of President of this international organization.
At the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, the international school "Kazakh language is the language of international communication" was held in the framework of the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi alemi".

Students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University became one of the best in the Competition of the National Tourism Organization of Korea in Almaty.