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The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.Nazarbayev, in his traditional annual Address to the Nation of Kazakhstan on January 10, 2018, "New Development Opportunities in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution," noted that the condition for the development of our country in accordance with civilization is the development of digital technologies in any of the main sources of 10 fundamental directions - one of the main goals.

Software important political-legal document that reflects the strategic directions of development of Kazakhstan - the current Message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev is seamlessly and unique, because it contains a specific programme of system modernization of Kazakhstan in the Fourth industrial revolution.

9 January 2018 sounded Annual message of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev: “New development in the fourth industrial revolution”.

A round table "New quality of human capital", dedicated to the discussion of the book of President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev "Era of independence" was held at the al-Farabi Kazakh national University.

The message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a logical continuation of the plan of implementation of the tasks of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" on entering the top 30 developed countries.

To date, competitions on chess, volleyball men, badminton and Darts completed.
The 46th "Health" interfaculty sport contest on rector's Cup has started al-Farabi KazNU, the sport contest dedicated to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Development of “non-chlorine” synthetic methods of phosphorus derivatives directly from yellow phosphorus is one of priority problems of chemistry of phosphorus compounds and engineering chemistry in connection with increase of requirements of ecological purity and effectiveness of industrial processes.

The tradition of decorating the tree and to celebrate the New year on 1 January was born in Russia in the 1700s, in the age of Peter the great. However, a number of historians-ethnographers write that the ancient Kipchak nomads had a new year holiday tree. So, in the book "Kipchaks" Murat Aji describes the "holiday spruce": "The tree Holiday came in winter – December 25th

Kazakhstan Association of engineering education (KazSEE) has been authorized by the member of the European network for quality assurance in engineering education with the right to issue the quality mark EUR-ACE.