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The Kazakh delegation headed by the rector of al-Farabi KazNU, academician Galym Mutanov visited the innovative structure "SKOLKOVO". The main result of the visit was the agreement on joint development of innovations, science and high technology.

A solemn meeting of the international scientific-practical conference ««XXII academic reading "Education Reform: what it should be»» devoted to the 25th anniversary of the founding of the International Academy of Higher school Sciences (IHEAS) was held in Moscow (Russian Federation). The event was attended and made presentations scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher school of Kazakhstan (NAS MSC).

The round table «European Universities Experience of Interaction and Cooperation with Enterprises and Business» within the framework of the project Erasmus+ «Enhancement of higher education and corporate sectors integration in accordance with new social environment –ENINEDU» (2016-2019) took place in the Graduate School of Economics and Business.

The UN Assistance Center, IRD, al-Farabi KazNU jointly with the UN Department of Public Information, Almaty, invites you to participate in the round table "Migration processes in contemporary international relations: problems and prospects" dedicated to the International Migrants Day .

Academician of NAS RK, doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities of al-Farabi KazNU Tlekkabul Sabitovich Ramazanov is awarded the order “Parasat” by the decree of the President of RK N. Nazarbayev No. 39137 5 Dec 2017 for his great personal contribution to the development and multiplication of the spiritual and intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

UI GreenMetric released the results of its UI GreenMetric World Ranking Universities.

On December 19, 2017 under the 7th International Workshop on "Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards", hosted by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, took place a meeting of KazNU rector, academician Galimkair Mutanov with the Senior Assistant Director of the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) Farhan Ansari and the Senior Program Officer (P&D and HRD) of Inter-Islamic Network on Information Technology (INIT) Muhammad Atiq-ur-Rehman.

The ceremony of awarding scholarships from the Association of small and medium business to the students of the Department of Korean studies Department of the Far East, faculty of Oriental studies was held at al-Farabi KazNU.

In Department of the Far East of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU named after al-Farabi, would be held a special course of lectures related to Koreans abroad "Koreans of the CIS", with the support of Overseas Korean Foundation of the Republic of Korea.

Students of the Faculty of International Relations of KazNU. al-Farabi, the master of sports of the international class in speed skating Fedor Mezentsev and Roman Krech won four Olympic licenses and guaranteed themselves the right to participate in the main start of the quadrennium.