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12/14/2017 The brightest burst of Blazar in the Universe
December 11, 2017 in the meeting room of the Physics and Technology Faculty a paper published in the Nature journal was presented. This work was performed in co-author with Kuratov Kenesken Sakenovich, Kazakh scientist, associate professor of the Department of Solid State and Nonlinear Physics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
12/14/2017 The role of transition to Latin graphics in the spiritual revival
Faculty of International Relations a round table was held on the theme «The role of transition to Latin graphics in the spiritual revival», based on the dissemination of the state program "Ruhani zhanghyru" with the participation of the 1st year undergraduates of the faculties of Philosophy and Political science and Oriental Studies.
12/14/2017 The 70th anniversary of the UN Charter on Human Rights
KazNU and the Global Hub of the UNAI for Sustainable Development held a round table on "The Role of the Peacekeeping Forces in Ensuring Peace and Human Rights".
12/12/2017 "Heritage of EXPO-2017"
In the framework of the events dedicated to the "Heritage EXPO", which is a natural continuation of the international exhibition "EXPO 2017:Energy of the future" was held a visit of akim of Almaty Baurzhan Baibek at al-Farabi KazNU.
12/12/2017 "Kabdolov’s reading"
The X international scientific and practical conference "Kabdolov’s reading" dedicated to the anniversary of the large scientist, the national writer, honored worker of science of Kazakhstan, academician of Zeinolla Kabdolov was held at al-Farabi KazNU.
12/11/2017 Al-Farabi KazNU has been selected for the substantive Round University ranking(RUR)
Al-Farabi KazNU is the only University from Kazakhstan which was included in a substantive Round University ranking(RUR).
12/9/2017 Official opening ceremony of photo exhibition "Acquaintance with China-2017: «Чунцин келбеті»
On December 8 at 10-30 the ceremony of the official opening of the photo exhibition "Acquaintance with China -2017: «Чунцин келбеті» took place. Organizers: Consulate General of China in Almaty, Oriental Studies Faculty of al-Farabi KazNU, Confucius Institute, National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12/7/2017 The role of women in the modern world
On December 5, 2017 in the faculty of international relations in KazNU at al Farabi the round table dedicated to “Gender equality and eradication of violence: enhancement of women rights and freedom in the modern world”.
12/6/2017 Great start
In the article of the Republic of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness" of April 12, 2017, was set the global task – to become a competitive nation.
12/4/2017 Polylogue- marathon
In the framework of the "Fundamentals of Journalism" workshop for young correspondents and reporters the acting associate professor of the Department of press and electronic media Assel Mussinova November 29 and 30 conducted a polylogue-marathon with the participation of 2nd year students of the Faculty of Journalism and High School Students in Almaty.