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Kazakhstan program of the II International festival of documentaries of the Turkic world was held at al-Farabi KazNU. The event was organized by the Federation of journalists of the Turkic world and al-Farabi KazNU.

15 best students of KazNU became the owners of scholarships of the POSCO Foundation.
The Department of the Far Eastern Studies and the International Center for Korean Studies became participants in the Fourth World Humanities Forum for the Unification of Korea and organized the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Past and Present of the Koreans of Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Koreans' residence in Kazakhstan.

At the Faculty of Oriental Studies there is a scientific and practical seminar "Methods of reading and research of texts in the Chagatai language" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Turkey.

First Vice-rector of al-Farabi KazNU Mukhambetkali Burkitbaev met with a delegation from South Korea, composed of the managers of the clinic Gangnam Severance University of Yonsei and international medical centers.

International Ranking agency, Quacquarelli Symonds announced its an annual result of the regional ranking called Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings, QS EECA 2018 on October 17th, 2017. . Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was ranked among the top-10 universities by moving forward.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National university became the first high education institute from Central Asia which took 251 place among 500 universities in QS Employability Ranking. The Ranking was estimated based on the several criteria such as employer reputation, alumni outcomes and partnerships with employers. This high result confirms that KazNU has close connections with employers and most of its graduates work in the best organizations of country as well as abroad.

The first Vice rector of KazNU Mukhambetkali Burkitbayev has met Vidmantas Butkus the Vice-rector of University of Aleksandras Stulginskis (Lithuania).

The number of students is growing year by year. This year about 7 thousand students came KazNU, 4098 of them became owners of the state grants, 897 of them are owners of gold medals "Altyn belgi", 35 are winners of international Olympiads and competitions, 187 are of graduates of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools and about 300 students are winners of the Olympiad of al-Farabi.

А multi-step process of transition of Kazakh alphabet to Latin graphics starts.