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Annual Springer Nature Awards Ceremony took place in Almaty, al-Farabi KazNU was awarded the title "the Most published organization" in the Central Asian countries.
Republican scientific-practical conference "Source and archival studies: new paradigms of research", devoted to 70-anniversary of the famous scientist, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Kambar Atabaev was held at al-Farabi KazNU.

Within the framework of development of international scientific and educational relations and improving the quality of professional training of students based on the use of advanced experience of leading foreign specialists, the course of lectures and seminars of Professor Hiroaki Ito from Senshu University (Japan) was held from September 4 to 15, 2017 at the Department of the Far East of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

The rector of al-Farabi KazNU the author of several philosophical-poetic poem Galymkair Mutanov, for the release of the collection of poems “У ковчезі часу” (“In the ark of time”) in the Ukrainian language became a laureate of the international literary award named after Grigory Skovoroda "Garden of divine songs".

In October 2-6, 2017, a national workshop on repair and maintenance of scientific engineering equipment in universities, research institutes and small scale industries was held on the basis of the Al-Farabi Scientific Library within the framework of «EXPO-2017» (Energy of the Future), organized by the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO) in cooperation with the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

At al-Farabi Kazakh national University in the framework of the 19th anniversary of the great Charter of Universities under the auspices of the Observatory of the Magna Charta and the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan began its work seminar "the internationalization on the path-oriented values."
An international scientific-practical conference "EXPO-2017: a modernization breakthrough of Kazakhstan" was held at al-Farabi KazNU with participation of leading experts of the Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of government agencies, private companies, economists, sociologists, graduate and doctoral students.

An international scientific-practical conference devoted to 120 anniversary of the outstanding writer, a major public figure, philosopher and scientist Mukhtar Auezov was held at al-Farabi KazNU.

Al-Farabi KazNU opened the Chair of the Kazakh language and literature at Shanghai University of foreign languages. This joint project with the SISU was implemented with the support of the Embassy of Kazakhstan and the Consulate General of Kazakhstan in Shanghai.

The rector of al-Farabi KazNU academician Galym Mutanov spoke at the X International innovation forum "Pujiang" in Shanghai (China). It was attended by prominent scientists and experts, distinguished politicians and businessmen from all around the world.