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In the student's service сentre «Keremet» the shop of image clothes has been opened.

At the beginning of the new semester, there was another really significant event after the founding of the Kazakh National University in 1934. This is the opening ceremony of the Triumphal ark of graduates “Мәңгілік ел”, which became a kind of "pagoda of science" opens the doors of the University.
At the Faculty of International Relations a grand opening ceremony of the "Romance Research Center" was held.

Dear friends! Happy New 2017 Year!
We wish you unlimited energy and new professional achievements!

UI GreenMetric released the results of its UI GreenMetric World Ranking Universities on December 29th 2016. The results are computed from information provided by universities online.
At faculty of philosophy and political science of al-Farabi KazNU the festive event in honor of Day of the psychologist was successfully held.

At the Department of Far East of Al-Farabi KazNU was held the international conference "Korean studies in Central Asia and Digital humanitarianism in Korea" in cooperation with Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

Professor from Canada, doctor PhD, associated professor of Lakehead University Seth Ababio Agbo is rending a series of lectures on «Foundations and Issues in Education»

In the main building of KazNU named after al-Farabi on the G-Global platform was held online conference "Learning the Japanese language in Kazakhstan and Japan: Present and Future", organized by the Faculty of Oriental Studies with the support of scientific and educational center of Japan and Central Asian Studies.

To the 25 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - has been an Alma Mater of diplomats since the Republic of Kazakhstan gained its independence.