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Master-class of "Translation theory and practice of modern teaching methodology" course on the topic "Translation features of Advertising texts" was held. The event was attended by more than forty teachers from all over the country.

On November 24-25, 2016 in Higher School of Economics and business al-Farabi Kazakh National University held the International scientific and practical conference "Crisis Management by Economy of Kazakhstan in the conditions of Turbulence of the External Environment" organized by department of Management and Marketing.

The workshop on "Presenting with Impact" and "Academic Writing" took place at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

In the dormitory №14,the evening of patriotic poetry was held on the theme: "Tugan zherge zhyr arnaydy akyndar!" ("Poets sing of their homeland").

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with the support of "Zhandanu alemi" and a youth wing "Zhas Otan", the Kazakhstan Union of Writers and Akimat of Almaty holds fourth forum patriotic students' Men zhastarga senemіn! ", Dedicated to the Day of the First President and Republic's 25th - anniversary of Independence. Our information partners - "Kazakh radiosy" and "Nurmedia" holding!

The 2nd year students of the Department of Chinese Studies in the hostel №14 held informative-musical evening "Talented Sinologist." Organization and holding of the event has become a tradition to celebrate the day of the department.

World Philosophy Day celebration was initiated due to the UNESCO resolution on every third Thursday of November since 2002. World Philosophy Day is a day of debates and dialog, as well as it is an opportunity to express ones point of view, to listen and understand the others, to establish an intellectual partnership for sake of responding challenges and problems of the modern world.

Faculty of Philosophy and Political science and Department of Religious Affairs of Almaty region discussed the issues of cooperation expansion in education and science.

China Studies department has been actively working in the direction of combining fundamental education and professional preparation for many years and inviting potential employers to read the lectures on various topics for the students.

In the Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi in the rector's office was held the "Shinhan Bank Kazakhstan" ceremony in Almaty.