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Confucius Institute at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a ceremony in honor of the World Day of Confucius Institutes.
At the Almaty Arbat took a public action in the framework of the round table "Religion and the youth in a modern Kazakhstan" organized by the Public Prosecutor's Office in Almaty in cooperation with the Department of Religious and Cultural Studies Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
September 23, 2016 at 10:00 am. at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a round table on the topic "Religion and the youth in modern Kazakhstan", organized by the Department of Religious and Culture Studies together with the prosecutor's office of Almaty city.

“Research Management and Administration” workshop as part of the Newton – Al-Farabi Partnership Programme was held at KazNU in English language.

IX International Symposium "Physics and chemistry of carbon materials/ nanoengineering" and the conference "Nano-energetic materials and nano-energy" was held on Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The main objective of the event was to create conditions for the development of long-term partnerships between the research teams of the CIS countries, European Union, Japan and the United States.

Ambassadorial hour at the Faculty of Oriental Studies: The meeting students of department of Far Eastern with general consul of the Republic of Korea

Within the project «Aynalandy Nurlandyr» 1st and 2nd year psychology faculties’ students as the volunteers took a part in city celebration of Family Day in Kazakhstan which was arranged by the town council of Almaty in collaboration with the Central Asian Institute of Family.
Nuclear disarmament issues - from the origins of the idea to contemporary initiatives of our country – were discussed on a round table organized by the Al-FarabiKazNU.

September 6, 2016 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science hosted an International roundtable with the participation of colleagues from the Kazakhstan Universities and the Bulgaria Republic on the topic: "Contemporary Clinical Psychology: Problems and Prospects", dedicated to the Family Day in Kazakhstan. The organizer of the roundtable was the Department of General and Applied Psychology.
9/2/2016 Ceremony of granting grants of Sanhak Foundation Korea
In KazNU the ceremony of granting grants of Sanhak Foundation Korea was held. The purpose of this action consists in development and strengthening of a cooperation in education, sciences between KazNU and Sanhak Foundation Korea fund.