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In the library of Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi was presented the second edition of the book of Adolf Arcishewski - Bigeldy Gabdullin: "The right to confession."

«Стремясь к сосуществованию и гармонии в Азии, объединить весь мир» - Чан Бенг Сун,
Директор курса "Азиатское сообщество"
Каф. Дальнего Востока, КазНУ им. аль-Фараби
Ко всемирному «дню радио» открыла сессию семинаров III Международная зимняя школа журналистики и коммуникации, темой которой была «Симбиоз-решение: Интернет и цифровая грамотность». Школа была организована центром гуманитарных исследований МедиаСфера при КазНУ им.аль-Фараби.
Kazakhstan section of the world ranking of universities websites, compiled by a Spanish research group Cybermetrics Lab, headed portal Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Experts, in particular, to assess the presence of portals in search engines, visibility - the number of hyperlinks and search engines openness.

Winter School - a short-term training program for students, allowing plunging into the atmosphere of knowledge and to feel student's life of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. Wınter schools conduct for foreign students has become a tradition of the Department of Oriental Studies of the Far East.
The meeting of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia QS (United Kingdom) Regional Director Zoya Zaitseva with university management was held in KazNU. The meeting discussed key issues of activities of the university to improve the university rating indicators.

KazNU and M.V. Lomonosov MSU agreed upon cooperation
In the al-Farabi Kazakh National University had completed its work 1st Republic Winter Psychological School "Modern technologies in a consultative practice of the psychologist", which was held from 15 to 17 January 2016.
The World Congress of Turkic People (WCTP) honored KazNU after Al-Farabi as “The Best University of Turkic countries”. This highest recognition was announced by WCTP’s president Yahya Yusifogly Aliyev during the meeting with collectivity of KazNU.