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The students of Japanese division of Far Eastern Asian Studies at Faculty of Oriental Studies and the students of the Keio University held the International Forum at9th September. The theme of the forum was “Kazakhstan – Japanese intercultural dialogue”.

September 10 the delegation headed by the rector of Seoul National University of Korea, Professor Son Nagin visited Faculty of Oriental Studies Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. The delegation included the director of the clinic Bundala Lee Chul-hee, head of the financial and strategic development Jeong Seong-Hoon Kim.

Students and professors of Recreation Geography and Tourism Department of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, as well as members of the Club of Tourism Development and Sports of Kazakhstan “ZhasTur”, made a Weekend trip to waterfalls in Gorelnik gorge.
FamilyDay was celebratedin theGorkycity parkwhich was organized by theDepartment of Cultureof municipality of Almaty city,the family institutionin Kazakhstan andCentral Asiaand otherson 13thof September2015.

The workshop on the topic: "Promotion of Clean Energy in resource-rich countries: Case Study of Kazakhstan" was held in Astana city from 15-20, August The main idea was to consider and work out some matters related to the EXPO – 2017 realization on rich experience of UK scientists.
Essay of Aktoty Muhambetkalieva, the 3rd year student of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies was included in the top ten in the essay contest on the theme “Tackling climate change: reasons for global involvement and importance of my role”.

The project «Al-Farabi university - Smart city» April 29, 2015 the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies, students 3-year degree Cultural Studies conducted tordzhestvennoe opening of the innovative project "Relay Bukkrossing in KazNU"