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In December 2014 at the Department of Recreation geography and tourism, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences in the framework of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University "Invitation foreign scientists" the review lectures of foreign professors were held on the following courses:
11/27/2014 Выиграй грант на прохождение летней стажировки в лаборатории США 2015
11/24/2014 Dear colleagues, students!
From 25th to 28th of November the Department of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements will hold an annual contest "Best analyst - 2014".

November 19, 2014 teachers of the Department of International Law of the Faculty of International Relations of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Begzhan A.M. and Baitukaeva D.U. organized a meeting of students with orphans of Almaty regional orphanage №1 dedicated to the Universal Children’s Day as a part of social and educational activities "Give hope to children".

In al-Farabi Kazakh National university the action - "Youth for Green University" as which organizers department "Energoecology" chair al-Farabi Kazakh National university and Scientific-Research Institute ofEcology took place republican a flash-mob.
The round table dedicated to the discussion of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N. on the 11 of November, 2014 «Lambent way – path into the future» was held on the 14th of November, 2014 in the 201 conference hall of the Higher School of Economics and Business.
12th November, in 1400 hour at Kazakh National University Al-Farabi in the framework of the joint project of the Research Institute of Ecology and the Kazakhstan national geographic society "Implementation of the principles of green office in the universities of Kazakhstan" department energyecology conducts environmental campaign, flash mob, entitled "Selection of Youth - Green University".
11/11/2014 Тhe International Day of Hindi and Diwali
At the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the teachers and students of the department of Turkic and Indian Studies organized a cultural program dedicated to the International Day of Hindi and Diwali.

The world-famous company Schrödinger is a scientific leader in computational chemistry, providing software solutions and services for the life sciences and materials research.

KAZAKH STUDENTS OPENED JAPANESE PAGE of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University or new forms of career-oriented work of the Department of Korean studies and Japanese studies