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Today at the physical-technical faculty was a traditional annual contest "Super adviser", held by al-Faraby KazNU students Maslikhat.
4/2/2014 Center for Continuing Education and Consulting Services Kazakh National University
Center for Continuing Education and Consulting Services
Kazakh National University
We invite you to have a scientific training in the Republic of Kazakhstan "Practical issues of labor law in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
All past scientific training will receive certificates of professional development.
Date of scientific training: 7-9 April 2014, from 11 to 13 hours.
Venue scientific training: Department of International Relations Treasury.

9th to 11th April 2014 the Department of biodiversity and bioresources of al-Faraby Kazakh National University invites You to participate in I FARABI READINGS International scientific, dedicated to 80 Anniversary of Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology and Department of biodiversity and bioresources, Conference on "BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATURE AND SOCIETY"

On March 27, on Faculty of Physics and Technics of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was held Republican Subject Olympiad among students of 1-3 courses in Sections by "Physics", "Astronomy" and "Nuclear Physics".

On 25-27th of March at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will be held the I Regional Conference of participants of the project consortium on academic mobility Erasmus Mundus "SILKROUTE - SILKRoad Universities Towards Europe".
3/20/2014 Dear students!
University of Lorraine (France) jointly with the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University announce an admission for training in international master «Subterranean Reservoirs of Energies: Hydrodynamics, Geology, Modeling» with a possibility to to acquire French and Kazakh diplomas. Application Deadline: May 31, 2014.

On February 20, 2014 at the faculty of the international relations was conducted the Methodical seminar on the subject "Technique of Educational Process of KazNU named after Al-Farabi in a Context of the Academic Policy of University".
3/18/2014 Attention students of 1-4 courses!
Intellectual club of KazNU announces spring conscription of new members and invites all lovers of brainstorming and logic puzzles to take part in developing intellectual game that is called brain-ring and become an honorary player of the club!

Within the framework of events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the KazNU, the German Research Center (GRC) organizes at the Faculty of International Relations, interactive seminar on "World Politics and new challenges."

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faсulty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Religious and Cultural Studies, Department of Philosophy, Center of Al-Farabi and Almaty branch of Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress will conduct the I International Forum Farabi «ABU NASR AL-FARABI IN DIALOGUE OF TIMES» on April 2, 2014