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3/12/2014 Dear Students and Young Scientists
We invite you to participate in the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Al-Farabi world”, which will be held in April 8st – 11st 2014. Undergraduate and graduate students and young scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries are invited to participate in the conference.
3/12/2014 “Central Asian and Central European Higher Education Forum ECCE Mundus” international seminar will be held in Al-Farabi KazNU
On the 13-14 of March on the basis of Al-Farabi KazNU “Central Asian and Central European Higher Education Forum ECCE Mundus” international seminar will be organized. (Enhancing Cross-regional Cooperation in Erasmus Mundus)».

Al-Farabi University Centre for Cross Cultural Communication of FIR and British Council in Kazakhstan held collateral seminar The Climate Change, Energy and Technology. The aim of that round table was the experience exchanging in managing the actual projects in the field of climate changing and sustainable development, power production efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in regional conference on “Silkroute- Silkroad Universities Towards Europe” in the frames of Erasmus Mundus Program on the 27th of March 2014 at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The faculty stuff and students of the Faculty of International Relations sincerely congratulate Dean, PhD in Law, Professor Karimzhan Nurumovich Shakirov and PhD in History, Professor of chair of the International Relations and World Economy Galiya Akhmetvaliyevna Movkebayeva with rank assignment as the Best University lecturer - 2013.

Department of International Relations of al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to participate in the International Scientific Conference “Challenges of International Relations, Law and Economy in the light of Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”. The Conference is dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University and 60th Jubilee of the well-known Scholar, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations Karimzhan Nurumovich Shakirov.

Dear partners of our University!
On May 21-23, 2014, the III Asian Universities Forum «Eurasian diversity and role of Universities for sustainable development», with the participation of leading universities of Eurasian region will be held in Almaty and Astana.
February 26, 2014 under the direction of Doctor of Economics, Professor of "Economics" Dulambaeva R.T. and with the participation of 2nd course Master Degree students of "Economics" was held and organized a round work table discussion on topic “Features of devaluation in Kazakhstan: causes and consequences”.
2/28/2014 Wakayama University (Japan) and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University signed an agreement on the personnel exchange within the UNIFORM program
February 27 at the al-Farabi Kazakh National University was a meeting of the rector, academician Galym Mutanov with Project Manager of UNIFORM, Wakayama University professor Hiroaki Akiyama and consultant, Business Planning Department, Next-generation Space systems Technology Research Association Eriko Yamamoto.

Global Undergraduate Exchange Program Global UGRAD (USA), announces about call for scholarship program for studying one academic year or semester at the U.S. Universities.