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In accordance with the "Roadmap Islamic Finance 2020" Science and Technology Park Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a round table with the participation of trainees a second-year graduate of the Higher School of Economics and Business. The roundtable discussed the peculiarities of the system of financing of Islamic banks and the terms of financing research and innovation projects by Islamic banks in Kazakhstan.
2/14/2014 Model UN Program presents - the «Model UN – New Silk Way»
In the context of UN «Academic Impact» Program, the Model UN welcomes you to take part at the Economic & Social Council simulation organized by Al-Farabi KazNU, Consulate General of the USA and Representative Office of the United Nations Public Information Centre/ United Nations Information Office in RK.

The purpose of start-up Company «UniverPro» is the issue of image products of the al-Farabi KazNU.

Yesterday, as part of familiarization with scientific research staff of the University, held a seminar in the online mode. Report on " Physical Models and symmetry principles " presented Associate Professor V. Kashkarov that with great interest was heard teachers of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and Physical and Technical Faculty of our University.
The 24 of January, 2014 in the 201 auditorium of High School of Economics and Business was held a round table dedicated to the discussion of the message of President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N. on the 17 of January, 2014 on the theme «Kazakhstan way - 2050: a common goal, common interests, common future».

Dear academic staff and students!
We are pleased to inform you that the deadline to apply has been extended to the 7th of February!!!
Last days to apply here:https://emecw.gis.lu.se/apply/?lot=SILKROUTE
For more information click here: http://www.em-silkroute.eu/

At the VIII Republican debate tournament "Cup of KSU named A.Baitursynov" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of A.Baitursynov named Kostanai State University 4th year student the specialty "Standardization, Metrology and Certification" Physical and Technical Department of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Aldongarov Kuralbek became the winner in the nomination "Best Speaker" format LD (Lincoln-Douglas) and took first place in the format of the ACE (American parliamentary debate format).

Dear teachers, students, undergraduates, doctors of science Al-Farabi Kazakh National University!
In Science and Technological Park of al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the contest held an organizational meeting of the Joint Organizing Committee (COS ) projects «2nd National Competition students Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan» and «First Kazakh Forum educational entrepreneurial engineering STEM (STEAM)- technology» (Special Event Special EducationSummit - 2014 , Kazakhstan).

Department of Management and Marketing of the Economics and Business Higher School of the Kazakh National University named after al Farabi has conducted a public roundtable on the theme "Competitiveness in Higher Education" with a participation of Almaz Tolymbek, foreign PhD Professor (Delta International University / Management Institute of Canada).