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The Faculty of International Relations of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi and the Regional Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Republic of Kazakhstan held a international scientific-practical conference on "Water and energy issues in Central Asia and the prospects for their solutions".
Institute of security problems and cooperation’s KazNU called after al-Farabi, Faculty of International Relations held international research-practice conference «Energy cooperation between Kazakhstan and China: geopolitical aspects».
Round table under the motto “Brighten your corner where you are! ” has been conducted by the Senior teachers of Foreign languages department for Sciences to 1st year students of Standardization, Metrology and Certification at The Physico-Technical Faculty.

We are glad to invite you to the international training within the program United Nations Industrial Development (UNIDO), on the topic “Development tendency and trade potential in Central Asia”, which will be held on December, 10-14 at the International Relations Faculty.
November 22, 2013 teachers of the Department of International Law of the Faculty of International Relations of the Kazakh National University named after Al-FarabiUmbetbaevaZh.B. and Begzhan A.M. organized a meeting of students with orphans of Almaty regional orphanage №1 dedicated to the Universal Children’s Day as a part of social and educational activities "Give hope to children".
November 23 this year the meeting with students and teachers with advisor of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Press Secretary of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan DA Abaev. was held as a part of the Day of the First President, at the Faculty of International Relations.

First year students are invited to participate at Republican Physics Olympiad and a chess tournament to in the honor of Zhenis O. Omirbekov, a talented teacher, Associate Professor of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics Department. The Olympiad and Chess tournament are held on November, 28 at Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Thermal Physics and Technical Physics Department.
On-line round table discussion was held in al-Farabi Kazakh National University at the department of recreational geography and tourism in collaboration with the KTA, representatives of High Educational Establishments and Ministry of Education and Science of the RK on the theme “Professional standards as a sustainable factor in preparation of qualified specialists for the industry of tourism” in 20th of November of 2013 in Almaty.

Science and Technological Park of Kazakh National University named after al- Farabi visited the Vice President for Research and International Relations of the Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas (AIOG) Diarova Dynа and Head of the Laboratory of engineering specialization " Petrochemicals " Amanzhan Saginaev . Visiting representatives of Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas was due to their special interest in the process of formation of innovation of science and technological park.

On November 15, 2013 the green event was held in the Chair Religious Studies and Culturology organized by the leaders of pedagogical practice К.М.Borbassova, А.К. Abisheva, curator of graduates N.K.Aldzhanova and graduates 2 course «Religious studies» and «Culturology» specialties. Undergraduates have created a combination of different aesthetic plants which positive impact on the atmosphere of the chair.