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The chair of energy and ecology together with student dormitory accommodation council and activists within the project «Green Campus» launched a social project "Energy saving and energy-efficiency". The aim of the project is to involve every student living in a dorm of al-Farabi KazNU in the realization of the project activities such as energy and water resource saving.

On the 6-th of February the meeting, that was dedicated to creation and forthcoming birthday of the MukagaliMakataev, the outstanding Kazakh poet and great son of the Kazakh people, took place under a department of theory and methodology of translation on the faculty of philology, linguistics and world languages. The 1,2 and 3 courses took an active action in this interesting meeting.
2/5/2013 The free trial access to the following world database of electronic resources
From 30.01. to 28.02., 2013, the most largest world publishing house Oxford University Press in cooperation with the subscription agency "KONEK" (Russia) provides to the users of al-Farabi Kazakh National University the free trial access to the Oxford Handbooks Online collection, on the site: http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com for educational and research work of professors-teaching staff, Ph doctorants and students of the university.

At the Initiative of International Relations Department and invitation of Michigan University (USA) The Talloires Network has accepted to its network and created the Al-Farabi University homepage on their web site(http://talloiresnetwork.tufts.edu/al-farabi-national-university-kazakhstan/).
1/16/2013 The seminar-training on the natural sciences and technical subjects
Al-Farabi KazNU holds II International Workshop “Current issues of information security, artificial intelligence and robotic systems” within the framework of Kazakh-Indo American Project for Faculty Staff Professional Training and Skills Maintenance on Natural Sciences and Technical Disciplines, KIUCEE

"What it the World universal Fair – EXPO 17 … and what it will give to Kazakhstan" the matter the next scientific and practical seminar of department of energy and ecology was open.
12/27/2012 Holders of Bolashak International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2012
Al-Farabi KazNU, recognizing the importance of advanced international experience in developing science and education, supports and encourages its teaching staff to take active participation in international scholarship programs, including Bolashak International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12/14/2012 To users of Internet of al-Farabi Kazakh National University
The Scientific library offers the free trial access to the following databases:
● From 10 to 25 of December of 2012 to the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I database of theses and abstracts. The database includes about 2,7 million works of all branches of sciences: doctor’s and master dissertations from 2 thousand universities, defended in 80 countries of the world, from 1861 for present time. It is possible to look through the first 24 pages of the document of thesis’s, on a site: https://www.proquest.com/trials/trialSummary.action?
12/13/2012 A professor of the University of Hanjyang is to deliver a lecture
On December 14, 2012 at 15.00 in a Conference Hall of Faculty of Oriental studies will take place public lecture of the deputy director of ATR Institute of University of Hanjyang (South Korea), professor Kim Jung Jing on a subject "Economic Development in Korea: Performance and Lessons".

During the Academic Council session of KazNU, the President of the International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence IREG Mr.Jan Sadlak was solemnly awarded the title of the « Honorary Doctor » of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.