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On the 6th September, 2011 round table entitled “Central Asia and Afghanistan: risks and threats to regional security" took place at the International Relations Department.
This round table was organized by Resource and Information Centre on NATO.
Roundtable meeting was attended by experts of George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies and the US National Defense University, among then were professor Gregory Gleason, professor Ali Jalali, Mayor Stephen Shoenborn, Col. Thomas Wilhelm, Gen. John Reppert, and others.

14 - 24 of August, 2011 it was conducted the annual eighth Summer School: "NATO, the United States and the countries of Central Asia: Global Challenges of the XXI century" organized by the Resource Center of American Studies and Democratic Research and Information Centre on NATO with the support of the U.S. Embassy and the Public Diplomacy Department of NATO .
Thirty five BA, MA and doctoral students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan participated in the work of the Summer School.

Dear first-year students!
Congratulations on your successful enrollment in the best university in Kazakhstan - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University! You made the right choice! we would like to introduce you closer to the university on a specially designed program of orientation and LEADERSHIP and UNIVERSITY LIFE. This program was developed by the Department of Academic Affairs at the best practices of world universities. The program is designed to help you quickly and easily adapt to a new life in the KNU.
8/2/2011 Entrant 2011!
Dear entrants!
At the al-Farabi Kazakh national university the documents acceptance for participation in competition on the state educational grants of a bachelor degree, a magistracy and doctoral studies PhD is finished.
We remind you of transfer possibility on a paid basis in a case not competition passages on the state educational grants.
8/2/2011 New 2011-2012 academic year!
Dear students of 2-4 courses, we congratulate you on the beginning of new academic year!
We remind you, that employment begin since September, 1st as during the period from September, 1 till September, 15th at university the re-registration on elective disciplines will be organised.
8/2/2011 New academic year!
Dear students, we congratulate you with the beginning of new academic year, wish you successes in your creative work!
In new academic year for 1st course students will be organised OrientationWeek (On August, 22-30nd) in which you will passage course «The Academic policy of KazNU».
5/27/2011 Брифинги по вопросам приема документов на программу «Болашак»
27 мая 2011г., в 15:00, в зале им. Биримжанова Химического факультета Центр международных программ проводит информационную кампанию по приему документов для участия в программе «Болашак». Основная тема брифингов – изменения в программе «Болашак», разъяснения по правилам приема документов и перечням приоритетных специальностей и зарубежных вузов.
4/25/2011 The purpose of the visit is to discuss priority areas of future cooperation
On 26 April, 2011 a delegation from Erzincan University (Turkey) will visit al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The guests will be met by Rector of al-Farabi KazNU, Prof., Academician Galym Mutanov. The Turkish delegation includes Rector of Erzincan University, Prof. Dr. Ilyas CAPOGLU; Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Fahri TAS; Advisor to Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir COBAN; Prof.Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN; Mr. UMIT ATES and Mr. RECEP GULMEZ.
4/20/2011 «Tarzhiman club»
On April 19, 2011 at the Faculty of Philology in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the club of young translators «Tarzhiman club» held another contest between the future interpreters. It was attended by the teams under the name "Sөzdіk KZ» and «New breeze», which included 2nd course students.
The program consisted of 8 rounds, such as: presentation, who quickly translate a literary text, advertisements in 3 languages, match the team captains, listening music in English, false translator’s friends and quiz questions in the field of Translation Studies and Geography, which is one of the main indicators of knowledge and diversity of students.
The ambassadorial hour devoted to the “basics of the modern foreign policy of Germany and directions of cooperation with the Republic of Kazakhstan” were held on the department of International Relations,General Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Gerold Amelung were the guest on this meeting.
In the beginning the dean of the International Relations Department thanked Mr. Amelung and the German embassy for traditionally close cooperation with the department. U.Lokteva, the director of the international department of the university confirmed the will to the further meetings with diplomats and german specialists in various formats.