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On March, 30, was held the republican Olympiad of Chinese language dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University named after Al - Farabi and the Confucius Institute. There were participated students of 2, 3, 4 courses, who study at the Chinese language specialty of the country's universities.
3/26/2011 Report on meeting with the rector.
On March 25th, 2011 within the limits of activity of Diplomatic club “Talleyrand” at the Faculty of International Relations it was held a meeting with the rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Mutanov Galymkair Mutanovich.
At the beginning of the meeting the President of the Club Rylov Andrey gave a presentation on the activities, goals and objectives of “Talleyrand”. Prospects and planned actions of the Organization have especially been noted.

16.03.2011 years in geographical faculty, namely in faculty of tourism were significant day. This day teaching structure and students of faculty of tourism became witnesses of one of actions which remains for long memory. For the first time our faculty has concluded the contract from one of successful the companies on booking air tickets, hotels and cars Abacus. Abacus with advantage the developing company in Asia. Owing to this cooperation our teaching structure, is more precise than 8 teachers of faculty of tourism were trained Abacus in August, 2010. It proves that professionalism and work of our teachers is infinite. It certainly pleases to that as students of faculty will be same as well as teachers. Purposefulness and skill always to be successful in the activity of our teachers only pleases us, and we shall try to justify their hopes certainly. In September, 2011 our teachers which have passed a full rate on Abacus have received certificates, and 16 dates of May, 2011 our favourite teachers Aktymbaeva A.S and Aizholova G.R have received the certificate of a position of the teacher on booking air tickets, hotels and cars Abacus. Owing to this cooperation our teachers for the first time have started to teach us subject matter on the Supply with information of tourism. Representatives Abacus have provided to us a possibility to training at university, and also they have completely provided us with the necessary technics.

Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi serves as a base of scientific research practice for many institutions in Kazakhstan. Postgraduate Education Institute of KazNU announces that on 3 of March, 2011 graduates from Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulaty arrived at KazNU to undergo research practice in the specialty «6M020500-Philology» based teaching and the experimental laboratory of socio- and psycholinguistic research department of General Linguistics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University under the guidance of Head of Department Professor Madieva G.B.
3/10/2011 Congratulations
www.edu.gov.kz, 9 марта
Постановлением № 233 от 9 марта 2011 года Правительства Республики Казахстан Орунханов Мурат Кадесович назначен вице-министром образования и науки Республики Казахстан.
Касымбеков Бактыбай Ашимбекович освобожден от этой должности в связи с переходом на другую работу. Коллектив Казахского Национального Университета имени аль-Фараби поздравляет с назначением!
3/3/2011 M.Makatayev in the “Tarzhiman” club
In the 9th of February for the 80th anniversary of M.Makatayev the “Tarzhiman” club arranged a poetric translation meeting called “Mukagali – the great poet” in the Philological Department, in the chair of Literary Works and Theory of Artistic Translation. The memorial meeting was organized by the second year students of Translation Affairs.
2/28/2011 А cup of the dean of biological faculty
2/25/2011 Department of sinology has organized a meeting with National Coordinator of the Republic of Kazakhstan in SCO
Shakizatovich ,the National Coordinator of the Republic of Kazakhstan in SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), ambassador of special orders in the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Sarsenbekov Valikhanov, the second secretary of the management of the SCO Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan. During the meeting Shahrat Shakizatovich told the activities of the SCO and the role of Kazakhstan in Central Asia.
Chair of Korean study of the faculty of Oriental studies on 23st of February 2011 held an exciting competition – intellectual game «What do we know about Korea?»
The aim: to introduce Korea to Kazakhstan, to increase motivation to study Korean language, to develop international relations with Korean organizations in Kazakhstan
Association of Koreans in Kazakhstan – the president Kim Roman Uhenovich
Almaty Korean educational center – the director Kan Song Chol
KISR - general specialist, doctor of history, professor Kim German Nikolaevich
Abai KazNPU – doctor of politics, professor Men Dmitriy Volbonovich