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4 ноября под председательством ректора КазНУ имени аль—Фараби Галимкаир Мутанова провел совещание по вопросам использования альтернативных источников энергии.
11/4/2010 Здоровая нация
11/4/2010 OSCE Summit in Astana – the final stage of Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship
European Information Center, Department of International Relations of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakh Institute of Strategic Research under the President of Republic of Kazakhstan and OSCE in Astana holds Round Table “OSCE Summit in Astana – the final stage of Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship” on November 10, 2010.

4 қарашада әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ-дың философия және саясаттану факультетінде «Кіші Фараби» академиясының ұйымдастыруымен қазақ халқының кемеңгер қоғам қайраткері Д.А. Қонаевтың 100 жылдық мерейтойы қарсаңында онымен қызметтес болған мемлекеттік және қоғам қайраткері, танымал мәдениеттанушы ғалым, профессор Сәдуақас Темірбековтің «Өмір өрнектері» атты кітабының тұсауы кесілді.
11/3/2010 The Year of Germany in Kazakhstan
The Year of Germany in Kazakhstan
The discussion, entitled “Trade Union Movement in Germany and in Europe: Problems and Perspectives” will take place on 4th November 2010 within the framework of German-European days of Science and Education, organized by the Faculty of International Relations of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

The best way to attract students to join the club - to hold a small meeting in the style of «Halloween». So did 2nd year students. On November, 1st, 2010 the chair “Artistic translation theory and literary art” was held the first meeting of students for the opening of a new youth club of translators «iClub.pd» (International club).
11/1/2010 Молодежь. Культура. Религия

On October, 19th 2010г. Started a preparatory stage of the subject Olympic Games "Al-Farabi-2011". The Olympic Games are spent by the Kazakh national university of a name al-Farabi with assistance of the Republic Kazakhstan Ministry of Education and Science.
The main features of the Olympic Games "Al-Farabi" are Olympic Games carrying out in 14 general educational subjects, wide coverage of participants from all regions of Kazakhstan. On a site Treasury registration of participants of the Olympic Games is opened. Pupils of 11 classes of educational institutions can take part in the Olympic Games. To all faculties we ask to take active part in a preparatory stage of the Olympic Games "Al-Farabi"