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The Kazakh national university of al-Farabi as base high school-co-ordinator of the participant of University SCO on April, 26th, 2010 in Moscow has signed the Memorandum of cooperation of higher educational institutions of Republic Kazakhstan, the Chinese National Republic, the Kirghiz Republic, the Russian Federation and Republic Tajikistan on creation of University of the Shanghai organisation of cooperation.

28 апреля в городе Алматы состоялся Национальный чемпионат Казахстана международной студенческой организации «SIFE» (Students In Free Enterprise). Сборная Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби была представлена командой из 25 человек – обучающихся трех факультетов: экономики и бизнеса, механико-математического и международных отношений. Капитаном команды является студент факультета экономики и бизнеса Курмангалиев Рауан.

42 winners of the Olympiad will study at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. These are the results of the Olympiad "Al-Farabi", which finished today in the KazNU.
At the closing ceremony of future students and participants were welcomed by the Rector of the KazNU Bakytzhan Zhumagulov.
4/26/2010 Дайджест за неделю 19.04.2010 – 24.04.2010

Today, April 22 in Almaty at the Reception House began two-day International Scientific and Practical Conference "The presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity", dedicated to the results of 20 years of the institute of presidency in Kazakhstan. The organizers of the conference are the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Majority of Almaty and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National university.