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4/1/2010 В Египте открыт филиал Ассоциации выпускников КазНУ

4/1/2010 Дайджест за неделю 22.03.2010 – 27.03.2010
3/30/2010 КазНУ проводит II Форум юных корреспондентов

In the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Friday, March 19, the first meeting of the Council of Employers KNU, whose chairman was appointed president «Kazatomprom» Vladimir Shkolnik.
3/25/2010 Дайджест за неделю 15.03.2010 – 19.03.2010

13 March 2010. Kazakh National University tested its future entrants in the subjects of Olympiad of Al-Farabi "in Almaty. From February 26 the opportunity to test their knowledge benefited more than eleven thousand people from all over the republic. Random among people who came there, many understand what sights, and in addition to the school have long been preparing further.
3/16/2010 Дайджест за неделю 08.03.2010 – 13.03.2010