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2/26/2010 Проект ISTOK-SOYUZ поддерживает научно-исследовательские команды в конкурсах 7РП по ИКТ тематике
2/25/2010 Congratulations winners of the republican scientific competitions schoolchildren «Daryn»
Kazakh National University in order to shape the future of scientific talent and skill-building learning Penalty organized qualifying round enrollment students KazNU among pupils of the republican scientific competition, organized by the scientific and practical center «Daryn». Qualifying round enrollment students executions took place in the sanatorium Alatau from 24 to 25 February.
2/23/2010 Офис регистратора – новое качество услуг для студентов
2/23/2010 КазНУ укрепляет узы международного сотрудничества
2/23/2010 Дайджест за неделю 15.02.2010 – 20.02.2010
2/22/2010 Open door day of company «Fund of development of business "DAMU" at the al-Farabi Kazakh national university
18.02.2010г. there passed a meeting of representatives of Fund of development of business "DAMU" with students of faculty of economy and business. Students acquainted with mission, history, strategy of development of Fund. Heads of structural divisions of Fund "DAMU" held presentation of the new project on employment of students under the scheme «industrial practice-training-employment».
2/22/2010 Al Farabi Kazakh national university is awarded by the international diplomas «For creation of the best traditions in an education system» and «the best presentation of the activity»
On February, 17-19th the Sector career with official support of Ministry of Education and Science RK and Akimata of Astana participated in VII International exhibition «Science and education of XII century-2010».
The exhibition's purpose: demonstration of achievements in the field of the maintenance of all educational levels, modern technologies of the training, new curriculums and study-methodical complexes of new generation, rendering of the effective help to young experts in practical application of the knowledge.
2/22/2010 КазНУ ищет умников и умниц
2/18/2010 Слета отличников учебы