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11/17/2009 17 ноября – Международный день студентов!
11/17/2009 Visit of al-Farabi University delegation at University Nottingham, Great Britain
On October, 14-21th 2009, al-Farabi University delegation Prof. V. Salnikov, Dr. R. Bekseitova, Dr. Z. Bimagambetova, PhD student M. Karatayev visited University Nottingham, Great Britain in framework international educational project of British council "International Strategic Partnerships in Research and Education" (INSPIRE).
11/12/2009 Республиканская конференция «Государственная информационная политика в Казахстане: взгляд в будущее»
11/12/2009 Дайджест за неделю 02.11.2009 – 07.11.2009
11/12/2009 Спортсмены КазНУ – чемпионы V Летней универсиады

11/11/2009 Seminar “Ensuring internal quality assurance system”
On 29th of October, 2009 in hall № 2 of Biological Faculty held a seminar on the theme: "Ensuring internal quality assurance system" in the project Tempus IV - Central Asian Network for Quality Assurance and Accreditation.
11/10/2009 Дайджест за неделю 26.10.2009 – 31.10.2009