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251 place among 500 universities in QS Employability Ranking.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National university became the first high education institute from Central Asia which took 251 place among 500 universities in QS Employability Ranking. The Ranking was estimated based on the several criteria such as employer reputation, alumni outcomes and partnerships with employers. This high result confirms that KazNU has close connections with employers and most of its graduates work in the best organizations of country as well as abroad.
The leading positions in QS Employability ranking were taken by the following institutions; Stanford University, University of California, Harvard University, Australian university of Sydney and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
High performance of KazNU in QS Employability ranking demonstrates that the university was always "the producer of big minds" in labor market. Now many graduates of university work for development of the country, both in state and in private enterprises. The university is always proud of the outstanding graduates. The current prime minister - the minister of Kazakhstan B.A. Sagintayev, the Attorney-General of RK Zh.K. Asanov, the chairman of the Supreme Court of RK K.A. Mami, the akim of the city of Astana A.O. Isekeshev, the famous poet, the writer and the diplomat O.O. Suleymenov are graduates of Al-Farabi Kazakh National university. Nowadays the university continues the best traditions on training of qualitative experts in many fields of science.
For successful preparation of highly demanded specialists in labor market, the university has created educational process in close cooperation with employers. More than 5000 employers give an opportunity for students to make an internship in their companies, and each faculty has a council of employers participating in development of educational programs structure and contents.
The university annually organizes a Job Fair which brings more than 2000 employers offering an opportunity to future graduates to find decent work. During the international accreditation of all educational programs, experts of the European higher education institutions and employers of Europe appreciatiated the level of interaction between KazNU and employers.
One of strategic goals of KazNU is train competitive graduates and develop the close cooperation with employers. For example, world leading companies such as HP, KOICA MINOLTA, CISCO, FUJITSU, SAMSUNG are created educational and research centers at al-Farabi KazNU.